Eleanor Rigby II di Zamir Osorov edito da Partridge Singapore
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Eleanor Rigby II

Extracts from diary of great love and latest comments





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Descrizione Eleanor Rigby II

We must love and honor democracy merely for the fact that it has brought to our life just one thing only and nothing more: the willingness to respect and appreciate each other and the constant to be perfect in that art. Since democracy in modern nation states is applied on a massive scale it offers a chance to everyone, with virtually no one being left alone or cast aside from that universal democratic recovery. The effects and positive changes associated with real democracy look marvelous and awesome - in security related matters, business and, what matters most, in our everyday life and existence. In order to achieve prosperity and success, national leaders and businessmen need to fully tap into the available potential and resources, so as to be able to provide extra services to people and community, thereby enhancing their understanding and knowledge of organizational processes, technologies, and further opportunities for innovation. inventing new things, opening new niches and possibilities.

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