The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Parts One and Two di E. A. Wallis Budge edito da Kessinger Publishing
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The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Parts One and Two





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1905. Two Volumes of Three. With over 180 illustrations. This is a three volume collection of texts and commentary about the Ancient Egyptian alternate reality called the Tuat. The Tuat was both the region that the boat of the Sun God Ra traversed during the night, and the place where inhabitants of this world went after death. A description of the Tuat, and its inhabitants and portals, was inscribed on the walls of the tombs of all social strata. Contents: Volume I. The Book Am-Tuat; Volume II. The Short form of the Boo Am-Tuat and The Book of Gates; and Volume III. The Contents of the Books of the Other World Described and Compared. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.

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