The Effects of Multiple Deployments on Army Adolescents (Enlarged Edition) di Strategic Studies Institute, U. S. Army War College, Leonard Wong edito da
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The Effects of Multiple Deployments on Army Adolescents (Enlarged Edition)






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Descrizione The Effects of Multiple Deployments on Army Adolescents (Enlarged Edition)

Multiple deployments have become a way of life for our Soldiers. In Army families, these frequent deployments increase the burden on children who must face the stress and strain of separation and anxiety. The authors take a much-needed, detailed look at the effects of multiple deployments on Army adolescents. The results of this study reinforce some of what we already know concerning deployments and children, but they also reveal some very interesting, counterintuitive findings that challenge the conventional wisdom concerning Army adolescents. This study goes beyond merely explaining the impact 8 years of war is having on the children of our Soldiers; rather, it explores the specific factors that increase or alleviate stress on Army adolescents. The results reveal that Army adolescents, contrary to what many believed, are much more self-aware and resilient. Furthermore, they are capable of understanding the multiple implications of having a parent serve in the all-volunteer Army during a time of war.

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