The Effects of Gamification on Motivation and Performance di Anna Faust edito da Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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The Effects of Gamification on Motivation and Performance





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Descrizione The Effects of Gamification on Motivation and Performance

In this book, Anna Faust examines the effects of gamification as a non-monetary incentive scheme on motivation and performance. A primary concern of managerial accounting are systems and practices that increase motivation, effort, and performance. However, in the field of management accounting and management control, previous research has focused on the effects of monetary incentives at the expense of non-monetary incentives. Gamification, as a non-monetary incentive scheme, has received little to no attention so far in the field of management accounting and management control. To address this gap, the author conducts three studies to investigate the influence of gamification on motivation and performance. Overall, this book offers new insights into the complexity of gamification as an incentive scheme.

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