The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Liberia di Tom Tombekai edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Liberia

Gender-Based Violence Current Interventions,evaluating the remedy for breaking the chain of a societal menace in Liberia





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Descrizione The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Liberia

This Research Examination is designed as a descriptive research concentrated on the Effectiveness of current interventions on Gender Based Violence in Liberia period 2013-2014. The Liberian Government through the Ministry of Gender and Development along with some International partners including the UNDP are actively engaged in undertaking programs to discourage Gender Based Violence across the country, so as to minimize or if possible alleviate the level of gender based violence perpetrated against victims of gender based violence, specifically, young girls and women that have been predominantly affected by this societal menace. Key amongst the projects and programs unfolding are the UN family¿s Joint SGBV Program which is under the UN Agency Leadership of UNFPA. As an Author, I saw the need to critically evaluate the Effectiveness of the current Interventions of the Liberian Government and its supporting partners through this research and tell the story to the world at large.

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