Effect of municipal solid waste compost and fertilizers di Shishir Kumar Munshi edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effect of municipal solid waste compost and fertilizers

Productivity, Nutrients Dynamics and Heavy Metals





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Over the last several years, the preparation and utilization of compost from non-conventional sources has increased exponentially, and MSWC made from MSW is one of these efforts. Since agricultural fields suffered from organic carbon, micro-nutrients deficiency and soil quality, there is a need to find out an optimum dose(s) of MSWC in combination with chemical fertilizers to avoid under or over use of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potash (K) and heavy metals loading dynamics with productivity potentials to a particular cropping pattern. This book, therefore, adds a new knowledge on appropriate dose of MSWC in combination with fertilizers in terms of productivity, its nutrients dynamics and benefits in soil quality to the selected cropping pattern. The analysis also reflects the cost and benefit of MSWC production and its quality in respect of plants nutrients and heavy metals loading. This book should be useful to professionals involved in waste management and its marketing, or teacher and students who deal with soil management through organic amendments.

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