Effect of garlic and ginger supplementation on broiler performance di Zaib-Ur Rehman, Ahsan ul Haq edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effect of garlic and ginger supplementation on broiler performance





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Descrizione Effect of garlic and ginger supplementation on broiler performance

Constant genetic improvement in broiler strains resulted in continual progress in poultry industry. At the same time increased concerns over food safety, resistance in bacteria, environmental contamination and general health risks have made the trend towards alternative strategies to manage and feed poultry without reliance on antibiotics. That is why we used the garlic and ginger in the broiler ration to elaborate its effects on the performance, immunity, blood and meat parameters. Based upon this research it can be concluded that supplementation of garlic and mixture of garlic and ginger can increase red blood cells, hemoglobin, lymphocyte percentage, immunity against viral diseases, high density lipoprotein, protein content and decrease the total serum cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and fat content of meat. In this way garlic and ginger can be used to boost immunity, improving the meat quality and lowering the bad cholesterol of blood.

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