Effect of Gamma Radiation on Post-harvest Spoilage of Spinach di Neelma Munir, Samra Pervaiz, Shagufta Naz edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effect of Gamma Radiation on Post-harvest Spoilage of Spinach

proximate analysis





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Descrizione Effect of Gamma Radiation on Post-harvest Spoilage of Spinach

Pakistan is a big market where a huge amount of fruits and vegetables are grown. However, the marketing system is deficient in proper storage facilities and hence considerable post-harvest loss occurs. Spinach is a flimsy crop therefore it is difficult to store the spinach. Spinach is fit for human use and flowering plant of the family of Amaranthaceae.The effect of gamma radiation on moisture content of spinach indicated that moisture content decreased after the treatment. This might be due to retardation of senescence and inhibition of metabolic activities that moisture is decreased in the radiated spinach. The decrease in moisture content was found to be dose dependent. It was observed that both follow the same trend of decreasing moisture content with decreasing radiation dose.

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