The effect of end user involvement in ECT-IS continuance model di Munkhjargal Badamgarav edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The effect of end user involvement in ECT-IS continuance model





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Descrizione The effect of end user involvement in ECT-IS continuance model

Many firms have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the past few years. This study looks at the influence that end user involvement (EUI) has on the organizational ERP system continuance. The main concept originally comes from Oliver¿s Expectation - Confirmation Theory. Using the ECT-IS continuance model from Bhattacherjee (2001) be the foundation. Within the field of information system, user involvement generally refers to participation in the systems development process by potential users or their representatives and is measured as a set of behaviors or activities that such individuals perform. This thesis separated user involvement as user participation (a set of behaviors or activities performed by users in the system development process) and user involvement (a subjective psychological state reflecting the importance and personal relevance of a system to the user. This paper argues that individual¿s psychological state has a positive impact on ECT-IS continuance model. An email and Google survey was used to collect data in organizations, using ERP system. A total of 400 responses were obtained.

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