Effect of Biochar on the Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Maize di Gokila Bagavathsingh edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effect of Biochar on the Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Maize





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Descrizione Effect of Biochar on the Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Quality of Maize

Sulphur is an important secondary nutrient to meet balanced approach in nowadays. S deficiencies have been reported with increasing frequencies from intensive cropping system. It is mainly due to cultivation of high yielding varieties with sulphur free phosphatic fertilizers and pesticides and also neglected use of farmyard manure, it reflects low yield and declining the productivity of pulses especially in black gram. In blackgram, sulphur is found to be nutrient an essential element for synthesis of protein, vitamins and cofactors and also affects metabolic and physiological activities. Application of sulphur has improved the overall soil rhizosphere environment which lead to improve the nutrient status of the soil. These available nutrients had increased the yield and quality of blackgram which is lower the import of pulses and increase the income of farmers.

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