Effect of Acacia saligna on production and reproduction of sheep di Gebreslassie Gebru Berhe edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Effect of Acacia saligna on production and reproduction of sheep





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Descrizione Effect of Acacia saligna on production and reproduction of sheep

Utilization of commercial concentrate feeds for livestock is unthinkable in developing countries because of access and too expensive to afford. In addition organic agriculture also preaches to utilize local feed resources. Therefore livestock producers should relay on local resource to combat the above problems. Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. (Acacia) is one of the Australian plant introduce and well adapted to many tropical countries. Even the plant is found widely the presence of tannins in the plant hinder for not utilize as livestock feed. Treatments by utilizing PGE (polyethylene glycol), wood ash, water and sun drying is applied in different studies however sun drying is preferred. This book contribute how to utilize Acacia leaf as feed for the production and reproduction of sheep. Further, this book contributes to postgraduate students, farmers, teaching institutions, research institutions, NGOs participate in agriculture and overall scientific community also a tool for further research as this study is a pioneer in relating to the production and reproduction effect of Acacia.

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