Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2006 edito da Libraries Unlimited
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Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2006

Volume 31





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Descrizione Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2006

The 2006 volume of the 31 year old Educational Media and Technology Yearbook series continues the legacy of its predecessors. It highlights the major trends of the previous year, noting both renewed interest in multicultural perspectives and the ever-growing interest in online learning. It discusses advances in the school and library media worlds, which continue to reel from budget cuts and hiring freezes. It profiles two outstanding individuals: Michael Molenda (Associate Professor, Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, Bloomington) and Ron Oliver (Foundation Professor of Interactive Multimedia, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia). It also identifies instructional technology-related organizations and graduate programs in North America. The book concludes with a mediagraphy of journals, books, ERIC documents, journal articles, and nonprint resources. As a repository of so much valuable data and information, it is, quite simply, a volume no self-respecting media and technology professional should be without.

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