Educational assessment and evaluation in language teaching di Mekhriniso Sharipova edito da Scholars' Press
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Educational assessment and evaluation in language teaching

Educational assessment and evaluation in language teaching





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Descrizione Educational assessment and evaluation in language teaching

The being reviewed research work is devoted to one of the most important problems of modern educational process, teaching methodologies, educational assessment, especially establishing modern, alternative assessment in teaching foreign languages. This scientific work is dedicated to the benefits of alternative assessment in the light of CEFR. This scientific work shows the correct usage of different types of assessment, applying a great variety of assessment to the education system, taking into consideration the level of learners. We all know that in this globalization era, every citizen of our independent republic is demanded to be more professional in his/her job, and in spite of his/her profession, everyone should know foreign languages. That`s why, it is so important for teachers, examining bodies and educational administrators and even learners how to succeed in education system, otherwise they will not gain competency.

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