Education, Globalisation And The State edito da Peter Lang Publishing Inc
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Education, Globalisation And The State

Essays In Honour Of Roger Dale





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Descrizione Education, Globalisation And The State

This book pays tribute to an intellectual giant. The twenty-one succinct chapters comprising the volume, and the variety of scholars who have authored them, are indicative of his intellectual, geographical and intergenerational reach. These chapters reflect the towering influence of Roger Dale¿s work in fields such as the Sociology of Education, Globalization and Education Policy Studies, and Comparative and International Education. While engaging critically with Roger¿s intellectual ideas¿and without exception the authors demonstrate the significance of these to their own theoretical and research endeavors¿they also include personal reflections on his role as mentor, role model, networker, and friend. Together the chapters are testimony to the richness, quality and diversity of Roger Dale¿s work and the extent to which it has inspired several generations of scholars from very different world locations. In a final chapter, Roger Dale himself responds from his usual humble position to all contributors and reviews the key aspects of an exceptional and ongoing intellectual journey.

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