Education for Sustainable Development di Gursharan Singh Kainth, Dr Gurmeet Kaur Gill edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Education for Sustainable Development

Indian Experience





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Education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability. People around the world recognize that current economic development trends are not sustainable and that public awareness, education, and training are key to moving society toward sustainability. ¿Sustainable Development¿ is a pathway that can lead us towards an enormous future and bring in an amazing transformation in the society as well as environment. Probably it can bring a revolution in the society. If every individual will be aware about the term ¿Sustainability in Education¿ in true sense, there will be a sense of responsibility in making the planet a safest place to dwell in. The analysis and insights pertaining to sustainable development are updated and have significance to education in India. The major contribution of this work is ¿Sustainability in all manifestations of education¿, which has been exhibited by the author in an excellent manner. The author has also focused on a shift in teaching methodology towards an active, participative and experiential learning, which helps the learner in better understanding and action for sustainable development.

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