Economic Development of Japan: A Quantitative Survey di Ryoshin Minami edito da MACMILLAN PUB CO
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Economic Development of Japan: A Quantitative Survey

A Quantitative Survey

Thompson, Ralph




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In this book Ryoshin Minami studies the last hundred years of Japan's remarkable economic growth from the Meiji period up to the present day. First, he reveals the factors which account for Japan's successful economic take-off during the Meiji period. Second, he explains why Japan achieved a more rapid rate of economic growth than other developed countries. This forms the major part of the book and will interest those in the developed countries who have felt the full force of Japan's export drive and whose own industries are consequently in decline. Finally, the author evaluates the results of Japan's economic growth and makes predictions for the future. The book makes a comprehensive survey of the Japanese experience in the pre- and post-war periods and points out lessons not only for developed countries but also for developing countries.

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