Eclectic Poetry di Ben Sheldon edito da iUniverse
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Eclectic Poetry

A Poem for Every Mood







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Descrizione Eclectic Poetry

Eclectic Poetry presents a collection of author Ben Sheldon's best poems, conceived and written over several years. These verses cover many different moods and unique experiences. Sheldon presents them by topic, making them easily accessible based upon the mindset of the reader. They explore such topics as relationships, humor, personal thoughts, and the dark side of life. Eclectic Poetry allows you to select a poem that suits that moment's experience and your needs at that time. From the starkness of "Death Row" to the sarcasm of "Remote Control" to the humor of "15 Minutes of Fame," Sheldon explores the wide range of human emotions in this poetry collection. Review Reviewed my life the other day; Unwound myself, rewound my thoughts, And relived again-fast forward, Like silent Charlie Chaplin movie, Pushing a cart uphill past rail tracks, While the train steams along closer. Charlie, playing me, nears top then slips, And rolls down over the rail road, Just missing the chugging engine. I've repeated that pointless effort, So many times in my life across Risky paths that looked deceptively safe.

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