Echoes from a Time Passage di Susannah MacDonald edito da AUSTIN MACAULEY
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Echoes from a Time Passage

Book 4





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Descrizione Echoes from a Time Passage

Axzis, son of Thela the Swordsmistress and Vasmox the head of the institute of the Paranormal in New Sydney, knows about his Ezskiasian heritage, though he has never been Over There. His rich and varied life as a student and lute player is, however, interrupted when he catches sight of a strange, masked figure on the side walk opposite where he lives. From then on his life takes dramatic turns where he comes face to face with his roots. Lucy, a middle-aged Zealandian academic receives a large sum of money from an unknown source, which prompts her to finally follow her dreams and explore sides of her nature which have remained on hold for most of her life. So, she goes north to the mystical and myth-laden area of the beautiful Hokianga Harbour and the home of the patupaiarehe, fairies of M¿ori mythology. Her historic new home is beautiful. The forest mysterious and compelling. Then, in a strange configuration of trees resembling a tunnel, she comes face to face with something not wholly unexpected...

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