Echo Registry Prep 101 di Tonya Gibson Perkins edito da iUniverse
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Echo Registry Prep 101

What You Need to Know Before You Prepare to Study for Your Certification Exams







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Descrizione Echo Registry Prep 101

Diagnostic ultrasound, administered by sonographers, is often used to assist a physician in the treatment of a patient's medical condition. As regulatory and government agencies impose additional standards and requirements on the implementation of ultrasound, it is increasingly important that sonographers become certified. Echo Registry Prep 101 provides insight into preparing for the certification exams, spelling out everything you need to know before you even sit down to study. Although taking the exams is of the utmost importance, effectively preparing for the assessment is just as crucial. You can possess all the knowledge necessary to pass an exam, but if you are not disciplined enough to follow instructions, become organized, and maintain an emotional balance, you are setting yourself up for unnecessary stress and for possibly not passing the tests. In a clear and concise manner, author and certified sonographer Tonya Gibson Perkins simplifies survival tips for registry preparation, including the importance of creating a schedule and study routine, additional recommended resources, and exam-day tips and checklists. Echo Registry Prep 101, a must-have resource for all cardiac sonographers, provides an overview of the step-by-step approach to examination preparation from a registered sonographer who's been through-and successfully navigated-the certification process.

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