Ebook Mentored di David Ogidinta edito da Commune Writers Int'l
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Ebook Mentored



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Mentored is the book for you if you want to achieve excellence through mentorship. It’s a collection of versed knowledge and experience of both mentors and mentees alike who have achieved and surpassed their own goals through collaborations and are willing to impact others. It has a global perspective and can reach the needs of mentors/mentees with practical steps, easy-to-read common language and highly adaptable to their peculiar needs.

The author deploys a unique style of writing by developing the title MENTORED into an acronym to define what to do or not during mentorship, the best ways to give encouragement that empowers, the importance of nurture to sharpen natural skills, effective transformation to the desired outcome during or after mentorship, skills to maximize opportunities, professional ways to give reassurances, how to delegate the future and secrets of legacy leadership, as well as learned determination.

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