Libro Ebook Dream Lover & Other Tales di Rj Cook di Next Chapter
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Ebook Dream Lover & Other Tales

Libro di

Rj Cook


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Glint: A young man commits a murderous deed and has to flee back home. His only choice is to hitchhike the entire way, but fate has other plans for him.

Dream, Lover: When Adam Hacker stays overnight at a manor in a quest for the supernatural, history and the paranormal blend in unexpected ways.

Ben Franklin's Dream: In his waning years, Ben Franklin participates in his country's flagstaff event: the Constitutional Convention. However, due to his advanced years he frequently falls asleep in his chair. As he sleeps, he dreams and relives the high points of his extraordinary life as he remembers them, not exactly as history recorded them.

The Mayor's Cow: Joanie and her brother James live with their mother. One thing they enjoy doing together is a Sunday drive through the wooded foothills of northern New Jersey. On this particular Sunday, with James at home and her Aunt Mary aboard, they encounter a stray animal that creates a memory she will cherish forever.

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