Ebook Wild Talents (Annotated) di Charles Fort edito da ePembaBooks
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Ebook Wild Talents (Annotated)





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Descrizione Ebook Wild Talents (Annotated)

  • This edition includes the following editor's introduction: The importance of Charles Fort's "The Book of the Damned" as a precursor of pseudoscience

Originally published in 1932, “Wild Talents” is the fourth and final non-fiction book by American author Charles Fort, known for his writing on the paranormal.

“Wild Talents” deals largely with a number of anomalous phenomena, as well as his ongoing attack on current scientific theories. The book tries to fit the various phenomena described into Fort's new theory of psychic and mental power – the "Wild Talents" of the title – that are detailed below.

The author's writing style and tongue-in-cheek sense of self-deprecating humour is prominent, particularly in the section on his own purported psychic experiences.

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