Ebook Sustainable Living Made Easier di Renee Gade edito da Publisher s21598
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Ebook Sustainable Living Made Easier



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Descrizione Ebook Sustainable Living Made Easier

Sustainability, Energy Reset, Green Economy and Resilient Future

We live in a world where our environmental footprint is growing. The demands of a modern lifestyle require us to be more aware of our impact on the planet. People must learn to be more conscious of their consumption.
The new era of sustainability is now becoming a dominant theme in all aspects of our businesses, communities, and living spaces. With its ever-evolving technologies, such as green finance, renewable energy, electric vehicles, and sustainable design and construction, this age is taking root in every aspect of our lives.
Sustainability is crucial for the future of our planet, and as a means of consumerism, we need to step up our game, or risk things going haywire.
“Sustainability” starts with a few basic questions. What does sustainability mean? What does it look like? What are the steps that will lead to sustainable living? What will happen when people begin to live more sustainably?
In this book, we will also examine the current transition from an economy dependent on fossil fuels to one dependent on solar energy, innovations in electric vehicles, development in green economy by investing in renewable energy sources; eco-friendly urban mobility; urban green spaces; and sustainable food systems. These green spaces require significant changes to the lifestyles of their residents.
But in reality, we already are consuming more than we can sustain. Every action we take, from shopping to flying to walking, contributes to environmental degradation. It doesn’t have to be this way. Everybody has the power to change the way we live and we all have a responsibility to help shift the needle. Everything we do matters. And even if you’re not ready to make drastic changes right now, there are plenty of things you can do today

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