Ebook Self Defense: The Art of Real Street Fighting Techniques (The Ultimate Guide to Beginner Martial Arts Training Techniques) di Doris Amaya edito da Elliot Espinal
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Ebook Self Defense: The Art of Real Street Fighting Techniques (The Ultimate Guide to Beginner Martial Arts Training Techniques)



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Descrizione Ebook Self Defense: The Art of Real Street Fighting Techniques (The Ultimate Guide to Beginner Martial Arts Training Techniques)

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to defend yourself and any person in any place, situation and time by applying only limited knowledge and ordinary items as weapons.
The modern world is not always safe for people. There will always be those who will try to take the money, belongings or even the lives of others. Women are also at risk of being raped and most of them were killed trying to defend themselves. For such reasons, various military organizations, police departments and martial arts schools formulated self-defense techniques.
Here are some things that you are going to learn

  • Hand to hand self-defense
  • Vulnerable point self-defense
  • Ground control self-defense
  • Joint-lock self-defense
  • Common self-defense mistakes to avoid
  • And much much more...
Self defense! Will reassure and make you feel freer, safer and less vulnerable. It is packed with sensible and practical advice on how to avoid danger, whether you are in the street, in the home, at work or travelling. It suggests strategies you can use when faced with potentially difficult or dangerous situations and, in the unlikely event that your prevention techniques fail, it tells you what you should do if you are attacked.

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