Ebook Persuasion di Shevron Hirsch edito da Efalon Acies
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Ebook Persuasion


Efalon Acies



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Descrizione Ebook Persuasion

When you are trying to convince someone else to do something, it’s often important that you know how to use persuasion techniques. This could be different in all kinds of situations. For example, if you want to persuade your partner to perform a romantic or kind act, it will different than negotiating the price of a contract.

In this book, several subtopics in relation to persuasion are going to be addressed, such as persuasion tactics in marriage, in business, in meetings, in convincing the masses, and stealth persuasion techniques. Aside from this, many thoughts will be expressed and ideas given to help you understand these essentials.

Give this a try and educate yourself.

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