Ebook The Guru and the Chela di Master Koot Hoomi edito da Editorial Señora Porteña
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Ebook The Guru and the Chela



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Descrizione Ebook The Guru and the Chela

By Rubén Cedeño
Buenos Aires 16/11/21

“The Guru and the Chela,” by Master Koot Hoomi, comes to be the best known, most important work and with the largest number of published copies of this Master, after “At the feet of the Master,” a book signed by Krishnamurti.

 In English, the original version of “The Guru and the Chela” was published for the first time, with the same title, between 1950 and 1960. The text appears in the dialogue format, with questions and answers, in which a student, throughout twenty-six chapters and one hundred and fifty pages, questions the Master about various topics of spirituality. Among other topics, both the disciple, when questioning, and the Master, when answering, focus on topics such as the Masters of Wisdom, their Celestial Plans, Momentums, paintings, and statues; the Flames, the expansion of the Light, the Sacred Fire and its use; the Great Silence and the Angels; Individual Consciousness, Life Patterns, the emotional world, human judgments and the development of Internal Powers; the Law of Balance, Spiritual Studies, Forcefields, group activities, the second death, Service and consecration.

Lord Koot Hoomi is one of the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Shamballa who – after the Avatar of the Age – enjoys greater acceptance and popularity for his outstanding love and service to humanity as an exceptional being of the Second Golden Solar Ray and current “World Teacher.”

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