Ebook Start with the Heart di Silvia Di Luzio edito da BlossomingBooks
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Ebook Start with the Heart



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Descrizione Ebook Start with the Heart

An established cardiologist, sensitive to medicine’s current needs, explains how the answer may come literally... from the heart. Today, medicine itself and the concepts of both “health” and “treatment” must be revisited from a different standpoint, where the patient is not simply a machine, but the interconnection between body and spirit. The author presents an extraordinary record of various case histories through which she has personally verified this interconnection, showing how the physical side has healed by working with the spiritual aspect. As part of the overall picture, the heart is not just an effective and powerful symbol of a well-organized society, but it also represents the meeting point for both body and emotions, due to physiological reasons. This therefore makes the heart the key towards reaching a new concept of total healing. The book is accompanied by a supporting review of the latest news and publications related to this new healing concept; a field in which the author has trained very thoroughly.

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