Ebook Adolf Hitler. Evolution of a dictator di Luciano Garibaldi, Simonetta Garibaldi edito da White Star

Ebook Adolf Hitler. Evolution of a dictator


White Star



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Descrizione Ebook Adolf Hitler. Evolution of a dictator

Thirteen chapters that read like a novel but are a complete and accurate historical reconstruction that relates the dramatic events of the twelve years of the ‘Thousand-year Reich’: Adolf Hitler’s life, both public and private, as well as the evolution of the tragedy that struck Germany, Europe and the world in only a few years. Luciano Garibaldi has written on the subject of Nazism on several occasions as both a journalist and historian, interviewing the survivors of the assassination attempt against Hitler, which resulted in the book Operazione Walkiria (Operation Valkyrie). Another book on this subject is O la Croce o la Svastica (Either the Cross or the Swastika), an account of the relationship between Nazism and the Catholic Church based on the interviews he had with General Karl Wolff, head of the SS in Italy.

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