Ebook Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope by Johann Hari | Conversation Starters di dailyBooks edito da Daily Books
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Ebook Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope by Johann Hari | Conversation Starters


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Descrizione Ebook Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope by Johann Hari | Conversation Starters

Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope by Johann Hari | Conversation Starters

When he was young, Johann Hari was told by doctors that he had a chemical imbalance in his brain and was prescribed drugs to check his depression. But after over a decade of relying on drugs and not getting better, he realized he had to investigate the real causes behind depression and anxiety. In Lost Connections, Hari discovers that depression is not only a biological ailment but is a psychological and environmental one as well. He travels around the world looking for answers and presents an exhaustively researched argument for people to reestablish human connections.
Hari, controversial journalist and award-winning author of Chasing the Scream is a New York Times bestseller once more with his incisive look at the problem.

A Brief Look Inside:

than the surface of its pages. The characters and their world come alive,
and the characters and its world still live on.
Conversation Starters is peppered with questions designed to
bring us beneath the surface of the page
and invite us into the world that lives on.
These questions can be used to..

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