Ebook Tasty Cakes - Amazing Recipes Collection di Dennis Adams edito da Dan Dessert
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Ebook Tasty Cakes - Amazing Recipes Collection


Dan Dessert



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Descrizione Ebook Tasty Cakes - Amazing Recipes Collection

Still baking only from wheat flour? You do not know how to knead the dough? In this great collection you will find detailed answers to your questions. Yes, wheat flour is the most common. But on this list of types of flour is not limited. Buckwheat, rice, corn, almond, oatmeal, whole-grain, bird-cherry ... Of these types, you can make any kind of pastry: from plain bread to delicious cakes, muffins, cookies and cakes. You will also learn how to properly prepare yeast dough in a straight and sponge manner. It is important for each housewife to know how this or that flour is useful, where it is used, how to make "unusual" flour at home and what this look is combined with.

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