Ebook Is the Devil a Myth di C. F. Wimberly edito da anna ruggieri
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Ebook Is the Devil a Myth



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Descrizione Ebook Is the Devil a Myth

Chapters include; The Problem Of Evil; The Origin Of Evil; Lucifer; Devil-Satan-Serpent-Dragon; Diabolus-Demonia-Abaddon-Apollyon; The Devil A “Blockade”; The Great Magician; The Roaring Lion; An Angel Of Light; The Sower Of Tares; The Arch Slanderer; The Double Accuser; Satan A Spy; A Quack Doctor; The Devil A Theologian; The Devil's Righteousness; The World's Tempter; The Confidence Man; The Trapper; The Incomparable Archer; The Father Of Liars; Kingship Of Satan; The Devil's Handmaiden; The Astute Author; The Hypnotist; Devil Possession; Devil Oppression; Devil Abduction; The Rationale Of Suicide; Devil Worship; Victory Through The Victor; The Arrest And Imprisonment; The Final Consummation; and, Satanic Symbol In Nature.

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