Libro Ebook The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains di Nathaniel Hawthorne di
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Ebook The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains




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In The Great Stone Face, Hawthorne compares different types of human activity. Most of them are aimed at finding success in society. But Hawthorne believes that the success of the Finnish businessman or general, who turned military affairs into a means of his personal career, or a clever politician who is uncleanly making his way to power, is an imaginary success. Even the poet, the creator of beautiful works of art, still retains a lot of vicious individualism and self-love, and only the humble young man Ernst, who devoted his life to serving people, selflessly doing good, won the favor of the author – he gives preference to him and his selfless altruism proclaims the ideal of human life.

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