Libro Ebook Patty—Bride di Carolyn Wells di Publisher s11838
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Ebook Patty—Bride



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“I can’t stand it, Patty, I simply can’t stand it!”
“But you’ll have to, Phil, dear. I’m engaged to Little Billee, and some day I’m going to marry him. And that’s all there is about it.”
“Oh, no, Patty, that isn’t all about it. I’m not going to give you up so easily. You don’t know how I care for you. You’ve no idea what a determined chap I can be,——”
“Now, stop, Phil. You know you promised that we should be friends and nothing more. You promised not to ask for more than my friendship—didn’t you, now?”
“I did but that was only so you’d stay friendly with me, and I thought,—forgive the egotism,—I thought I could yet win your love. Patty, you don’t care such a lot for Farnsworth, do you, now?”

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