Ebook Lessons from a global sales leader over 30 year of international B2B sales di Luciano Giol edito da Luciano Giol
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Ebook Lessons from a global sales leader over 30 year of international B2B sales


Luciano Giol



ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook Lessons from a global sales leader over 30 year of international B2B sales

The purpose of this Ebook is twofold: to present the modern way of sales and marketing by illustrating changes in behavior and practices; and to define the global sales leader, a profile for success in today's business world.

The author is an Italian entrepreneur who built up a successful industrial business and consultancy in China and beyond. He shares firsthand stories and wisdom from over 30 years of experience in business, as he observed and responded to the rise of globalization.

The key message the author wishes to convey is: be ready to change, improve and keep up with the times.

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