Ebook Messages from the Shroud of Turin di Gisela Heinz, Peter Kutzki edito da Books on Demand
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Ebook Messages from the Shroud of Turin



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Descrizione Ebook Messages from the Shroud of Turin

Jesus Christ is truly risen, and with his Shroud, He has left us an emblem that provides us with messages for our day and time. The Shroud of Turin reveals to our astonished eyes the Jesus-Father who loves us above all things.
This book is intended to guide readers to a better understanding the nature of the Christian God. It provides answers to questions about the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. From the moment this sacred relic was first created, it has had the innate power to guide and, when needed, to ease our human life journey to God.
The details described in the book are drawn from the words of the German-language mystics who received the texts for the New Revelation. Prior to modern research on the Shroud, these details had never been confirmed.
Traces of blood from the crucified Jesus form symbols on the Shroud, allowing us to comprehend Jesus Resurrection not only in allegorical terms, but also tangibly, materially. The Shroud of Christ is a visual and symbolic Gospel, which requires no words in order to be intuitively understood.
To provide a clearer understanding of the Shroud messages, some thoughts and philosophies prominent figures from the worlds of science and the arts have also been included in this book. The overlap between the worldviews of these individuals and the texts from the German mystics makes clear that even for such noted individuals as Goethe, Planck, Einstein, and Heisenberg, nothing that exists on earth, in the microcosm, or in the universe would be conceivable in the absence of a Creator Spirit.
Life itself is dim and only the power to create symbols and to understand them turns us from living beings into human beings. (Werner Heisenberg)

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