Ebook Salome di Oscar Wilde edito da Interactive Media
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Ebook Salome



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Descrizione Ebook Salome

"Salome: A Tragedy in One Act" by Oscar Wilde is a haunting and provocative play that reimagines the biblical story of Salome, the stepdaughter of King Herod. Set in the lavish palace of Herod, the narrative explores themes of desire, power, and the destructive nature of obsession. The play revolves around Salome's infatuation with John the Baptist, a prophet who has been imprisoned by her stepfather. Driven by her lustful desires and fueled by her manipulative mother, Salome becomes determined to have John the Baptist for herself. As the story unfolds, Wilde delves into the depths of human desire, exploring the dangerous consequences that arise when unchecked passion collides with power.

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