Libro Ebook Following the Equator di Mark Twain di Interactive Media
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Ebook Following the Equator

Libro di

Mark Twain



ePub, Pdf
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"Following the Equator" by Mark Twain is a captivating travelogue that takes readers on a remarkable journey around the world. Filled with Twain's trademark wit, keen observations, and insightful commentary, this book chronicles the author's experiences as he circumnavigates the globe, exploring diverse cultures, encountering fascinating individuals, and shedding light on the social and political realities of the time. The story begins with Twain embarking on a steamship journey that follows the path of the equator, leading him to various countries and continents. From the bustling cities of the West to the remote corners of the East, Twain shares his impressions and experiences, painting a vivid picture of the places he visits and the people he meets along the way.

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