Ebook An Ideal Husband di Oscar Wilde edito da Interactive Media
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Ebook An Ideal Husband



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Descrizione Ebook An Ideal Husband

An Ideal Husband is a witty and satirical play written by Oscar Wilde. Set in Victorian England, it centers around the characters of Sir Robert Chiltern, a successful and respected politician, and Mrs. Cheveley, a scheming woman from his past who threatens to ruin his reputation. Sir Robert's seemingly ideal life is turned upside down when Mrs. Cheveley arrives in London with evidence of a past financial scandal and demands that he support a dubious scheme in order to keep his secret safe. This puts him at odds with his wife, Lady Chiltern, who values honesty and integrity above all else. With its clever and insightful commentary on society and human nature, An Ideal Husband is a timeless classic that continues to entertain and captivate audiences to this day.

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