Ebook How Trends Make You A Smarter Investor di Gabrielle Dahms edito da Booksmart Press LLC
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Ebook How Trends Make You A Smarter Investor



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Descrizione Ebook How Trends Make You A Smarter Investor

Successful real estate investing is an art and a science. Novice real estate investors learn the 7 nuts-and-bolts steps to ignite success in the vast world of properties and real estate options. Veteran investors glean new ideas for their portfolios and profits.

Trends are as important in real estate as they are in other businesses and in our lives. The author, a long-time real estate professional, discusses 9 trends that affect real estate investing and that make investing exciting all over again.

Identifying the trends and the right (profitable) real estate investments helps to cash in on those trends and to stand above the crowd.
This book is the ticket.

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