Ebook The World Of Yesod - Water di Marzia Bosoni edito da Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook The World Of Yesod - Water

Charlotte Fleming


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook The World Of Yesod - Water

The truth about the disappearance of the Power and the identity of the Enemy is a puzzle for which Avir and his friends find new pieces every day but which they have not yet managed to solve. As, one after another, the predictions of the Zalyan in Silverlight seem to be proved right, the chosen ones face difficulties that could cause the Company of Seekers to fall apart completely. The arrival of a legendary figure – the Errant – could mean a turning point in the mission but also raises new questions about its nature.
From the unexplored marshes and wilderness of the kingdom of Earth to the unfathomably deep waters of the Great Sweet Lake, the Key of the kingdom of Water requires Mayim to face the hardest test: the truth.

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