Ebook Call Centre Operator di H.M.S. Pereira edito da Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook Call Centre Operator

Amy Vieira


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook Call Centre Operator

Henrique P. is one of the many teenagers that moved to Lisbon to study and he’s quickly introduced to the world of temporary work and call centres, working in customer service for a telecommunications company.
Whilst working as an operator in Portugal’s capital, Henrique crosses paths with a lot of different people, from the intellectuals to the failed artists, or the down-and-outs from his young generation.
Throughout the capital’s streets, extravagant meals, empty nights, wasted time at Bingo, rented rooms and a frustrated love life, the book accompanies Henrique in his hard task of trying to survive in a small Lisbon.

€ 8.49
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