Ebook Agile Transformation di Claudio Barizon edito da Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook Agile Transformation

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ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook Agile Transformation

Agile Transformation is the answer for organisations that need to modernise to meet the challenges imposed by Digital Transformation and the new behaviours of the increasingly dissatisfied and volatile consumer, whose desires can be met quickly and are within reach of their palm. In this new complex world of accelerated change, there is no room for organisations that still have their processes, policies and management models based on bureaucracy, rigid and highly hierarchical organisational structures, with practices that worked in the past. These organisations have difficulties in anticipating market changes and disruption, which are hitting industry by industry and putting at risk their own survival or, at least, their ability to prosper.
With this book, you will have a new perspective on teamwork and get to know genuine collaboration. We will present very simple and practical working methods that guarantee the delivery of value from your team, through a new management model: agile and collaborative. These concepts were put into practice, with different emphases, formats and methods, in various organisations with great success. And this was the motivation for writing the book: to disseminate the transforming experience, which was one of the foundations for the creation of the startup Zehnk, where the author is co-founder.
The objective is to share this experience and show organisations that it is possible to build motivated, proactive and innovative teams, able to work in an integrated manner, with total transparency in communication and with common objectives, even if their members do not belong to the same area, department or company. Or are not physically together.
True collaborative work happens when the team has autonomy, self-management and responsibility, generating deep engagement and incredible results. It is where everyone seeks what is best for the organisation and its product or service: results and value for the business are pu

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