Ebook The Prayer Of Jesus di Brother Esteban de Emaus edito da Juan Pedropablo
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Ebook The Prayer Of Jesus

Pollyana Macedo


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook The Prayer Of Jesus

   The experience of solitude and the intimate search for God in one’s own heart lead man to silence. In that void of thoughts, calm the cravings and calm the body, illuminate the Presence that has always been sought. Historical eremitism finds its root in this yearning for eternity and freedom from this very world. Paradise is present right now in the interior of the hermit, who by this very fact transfigures the world with his gaze. This loneliness of the heart is not necessarily due to the separation of men but to a life attentive to the divine presence, in any circumstance. This is also how the urban hermits live, who in their anonymous silence keep alive the original spirit of the first Christian communities; as close to Christ as they are away from all.

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