Ebook Chronobiology: The Biology Of Time di Juan Moises de la Serna edito da Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook Chronobiology: The Biology Of Time

Luiz H. Medeiros de C. Cezar


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook Chronobiology: The Biology Of Time

It would be great if we could govern ourselves, according to our own time, which displays the optimum rhythm for any performance; therefore, as we will see throughout the book, to follow it will provide health.
Each of us is a unique being, so it would be convenient if we could learn to listen to our own organism’s clock, in order to live in attunement with its functioning.  Thereby, by adjusting to it, we will be able to perform any task with ability and calmness. 
To perform daily activities more quickly than this time, will only bring stress and diseases associated with it. Similarly, performing them slower than the optimum time will cause despair and boredom.
This present book addresses a theme of great relevance for personal self-discovery and for social relations, as it will enable us to approach others under a new enriching perspective.
It would be great if we could govern ourselves, according to our own time, which displays the optimum rhythm for any performance; therefore, as we will see throughout the book, to follow it will provide health.
Each of us is a unique being, so it would be convenient if we could learn to listen to our own organism’s clock, in order to live in attunement with its functioning.  Thereby, by adjusting to it, we will be able to perform any task with ability and calmness. 
To perform daily activities more quickly than this time, will only bring stress and diseases associated with it. Similarly, performing them slower than the optimum time will cause despair and boredom.
This present book addresses a theme of great relevance for personal self-discovery and for social relations, as it will enable us to approach others under a new enriching perspective.

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