Ebook E-Guide: How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century di H.e. Colby edito da H.e. Colby
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Ebook E-Guide: How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century


H.e. Colby



ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook E-Guide: How to Adjust Your Business Writing to the 21st Century

Don’t miss the critical skills and knowledge inside this guide in order to fuel powerful business communications with more than a billion people worldwide who speak English! This e-Guide is an abridged version adapted from the original audio e-Clinic of the same name designed to enhance your business writing. Invest in yourself to meet the challenges of 21st century business. After completing this e-Guide, you will be able to write better business documents and gain a competitive advantage over colleagues and clients alike. Learn to avoid common punctuation and writing mistakes in business writing. Get your job done faster and with greater accuracy across all cultures. Produce clear and inclusive English content for a global audience. Effectively express your ideas to audiences who do not share your cultural background. Use natural-sounding 21st Century English to engage your clients and persuade them to use your product or service. Get the guide and create culturally-sensitive English documents today!

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