Libro Ebook An Almost Lucky Day di Cristina Origone di Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook An Almost Lucky Day

Ionica Monticelli


ePub, Mobipocket
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What happened to the new tenant on the top floor? Why is Mario accused of his disappearance?Mario is an elderly concierge with no ambition other than taking care of the condominium where he works. He has always carried out his duties with pride but, since he is aware that he will soon retire, he feels a sense of depression and a lack of energy that makes him neglect his work and himself, causing the irritation of Abigaille a rich and elderly lady of the condominium. A female mannequin, found in the garbage, and a large win will shake his life; but just when he realizes that he can still be happy, instead of finding himself in some exotic place enjoying the money, he finds himself in the carabinieri barracks accused of a crime he swears he did not commit.What happened to the new tenant on the top floor? Why is Mario accused of his disappearance?"An almost lucky day" is the story of a man who, at the same moment in which fate gives a dream, will have to deal with the blindfolded Goddess. 

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