Ebook How To Save Time And Not To Die Trying di Claudio Pardo Molina edito da Babelcube Inc.
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Ebook How To Save Time And Not To Die Trying

Alvaro R Costas Delgado


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook How To Save Time And Not To Die Trying

This essay is based on the dialogue, On the brevity of life", written by Lucio Anne Seneca in 55 A.D. I wrote this essay adapting Seneca's dialogue; due to its impressive validity being written more than 2,000 years ago. I believe that Seneca's recommendations, adapted to current examples, enabling many people to make better decisions with the most valuable asset we have, I am referring to our time. I am interested that together discovers the immense wisdom that comes to us from the past, and that could make us avoid so much suffering from the misuse of time. Reading is listening. I guess reading that type of document is like being able to listen to the human being's experiences with a more common sense he wanted to guide us a long time ago, and whom we were not lucky enough to meet in person.

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