Ebook The Truth About Technical Analysis To Win On The Stock Market di Álvaro Cid edito da Álvaro Cid
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Ebook The Truth About Technical Analysis To Win On The Stock Market


Álvaro Cid

Alvaro R Costas


ePub, Mobipocket
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Descrizione Ebook The Truth About Technical Analysis To Win On The Stock Market

I know many people who want to make money on the stock market. However, they find out they do not have enough knowledge to do so, and that is why I have written this book.
The mission of this book is to open the people's eyes regarding the technical analysis and how its knowledge can help to earn more money.
In this book, you will learn all the theory that accompanies technical analysis, its history, as well as other basic tools. Alongside these means, you can start investing in the stock market on the right foot.  Many people do not have this knowledge and still make money in the market. However, it is interesting to know it beforehand and not be surprised by this knowledge once we have real money at stake. In the market, all ignorance translates into loss of money sooner or later.
This method is designed so that anyone who has no prior knowledge of the stock market or who has vague knowledge about how technical analysis works, can learn the basis of technical analysis and from there, build their building of knowledge that will allow them to win money on the market with this technique.

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