Ebook History of All the Religious Denominations in the United States di Israel Daniel Rupp edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook History of All the Religious Denominations in the United States



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III. Because the articles are somewhat better arranged, and a'very useful and convenient analytical index, and Synoptical View of each article, prefixed to the work. By means of this Index and Synopsis, any leading and distinguishing point in the History, Faith or Practice of any and all the denominations, may be easily traced and ascertained. This, of course, will be, for many persons and purposes, of great utility and advantage. The reader will likewise find a very interesting introduction, in which short accounts are given, of various associations and sects, some of which have become extinct, others scattered in different places throughout the country, without any regu lar organization, and others limited to certain particular places. The publisher, therefore, claims for this work, the merit of a full and complete History of all the Religious Denominations, which have been, and which now are in the United States of North America. Besides all this, he may add, it is now offered to the public at greatly reduced prices — such prices as will put it in the reach of all classes of readers. The regular retail price of the common edition, in plain leather or cloth binding, is per copy; little over half the -price of the first edition. The retail price of the portrait edition, in extra gilt (leather or cloth) binding, is and the embossed super-extra gilt, per copy.

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