Ebook The Rector and the Doctor's Family di Mrs. Margaret Oliphant edito da Forgotten Books
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Ebook The Rector and the Doctor's Family



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Descrizione Ebook The Rector and the Doctor's Family

He was highly spoken of, everybody knew; but nobody knew who had spoken highly of him, nor had been able to find out, even by inference, what were his views. The Church had been low during the last rector's reign — profoundly low — lost in the deepest abysses of Evangelicalism. A determined inclination to preach to everybody had seized upon that good man's brain he had half emptied Salem Chapel, there could be no doubt; but, on the other hand, he had more than half filled the Chapel of St Roque, half a mile out of Carlingford, where the perpetual curate, young, handsome, and fervid, was on the very topmost pinnacle of Anglicanism. St Rogue's was not more than a pleasant walk from the best quarter of Carling ford, on the north side of the town, thank heaven!

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